If you think you are seeing doubles you are correct. Grizzly left, Whiskey middle, Hank right. They are my faithful trail companions that love to escort us along the trail. They are such an asset filling in for entertainment when the conversation slows. These boys are really just living their best life!

Effie is my Tobiano Paint Horse, she has shared her entire life with me. I have learned more from her than most have forgotten. She is now 17 and I am starting to see her age show. Although she does not make it out to all of the trail rides, she will always have a home here with me. Any chance she gets this horse will take you swimming even if it is the dead of winter! Eff is always the first in the feed pen and the last to leave!

Luke is the back bone of Elk Mountain Ranch, and I truly don’t know where I would be without him! He is my alfa horse making sure the herd is in balance with equal parts stern and soft. If I were re-incarnated as a horse I believe I would be just like Luke. More than ready to put in a hard days work, he gives his heart away quickly, and sometimes “trips” just to come up with a mouth full of grass. This tough guy has one blue eye and a heart shape print on his nose. We all adore him!

Reba came to us 3 years ago. She was originally purchased for my daughter to be her competitive barrel horse. She spent her younger days on the track and then learned how to be a very well respected barrel horse. Her entire life Reba has been told to RUN! So over the last few years we have been working with her to slow down and enjoy the trail. While Reba has come so far she truly is happy in the arena when the crowd cheers and envies her muscles!

Morgan! He was my birthday present to myself a couple years ago and I have not regretted a day with him ever since! Steady and safe! If you show up and are lucky enough to be riding Morgan you will always know you will be heading on a safe well rounded horse. He always will win my heart over with his oversized eyes and cutest ear wiggle!


This silly boy will eat almost any vegetable you give him! Although he is one of the tallest horses he he is dang near the quietest. Willy is happiest swatting tails with his best friend Pecos and having a large round belly while hanging in the shade. He is a grey gene horse meaning his skin is light pigment so he sunburns easily. Willy gets a special fly mask and unlimited access to the barn for shade.